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Sufi Women

    Sufi Women by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh In the Prologue of Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh’s book Sufi Women the question “Is there any difference between men and women in terms of their faith?” is plainly addressed. With candid simplicity, Dr. Nurbakhsh writes that women who seriously set foot on the path toward Reality are in exactly the same position as men who do so. He goes on to extol: “Since in the Ocean of Divine Unity neither “I” or “You” exists, what possible meaning can man or woman have?” This enlightening book offers the reader a profound respect accorded through the centuries… Read More »Sufi Women

    Sufi Men

      Javad Nurbakhsh A complement to the book Sufi Women. This is a collection of the sayings and experiences of a limited number of major Sufis. Although there may be some perfected Sufis who have not been mentioned or some Sufis without the same merit, who have been praised here, there has been no agenda in selecting these individuals. Order on iTunes and Apple Store online. Order now  

      Jesus in the Eyes of the Sufis

        Javad Nurbakhsh This book presents a wealth of stories and poetry about Jesus, many of which are new to Christian readers. The inner meaning of Christian symbols are revealed here as they appear in Sufi mystical writings. Order now

        Dogs From a Sufi Point of View

          Javad Nurbakhsh The dog is considered to be a model for fidelity in classical Sufi literature. In this collection of stories praising the dog’s sense of patience, gratitude, service and self-sacrifice are the shared virtues of both dog and man. One anecdote begins: “I learned Sufism from a dog sleeping by the door of a house …”. Sufis see the value of humility, loyalty and the importance of taming the unruly aspects (nafs), inviting the reader to share in the wisdom of Jami when he says “I am the dog at the threshold of neediness, my collar is fashioned from… Read More »Dogs From a Sufi Point of View

          The Psychology of Sufism

            Dr Javad Nurbakhsh This book is a guide to help the reader understand the nature of man and the obstacles to becoming a true human being. The book also discusses the realms of the Heart, the Spirit, the Inner Consciousness and the Innermost Consciousness. Order now.

            Sufism I

              Sufism I: Meaning, Knowledge and Unity Dr Javad Nurbakhsh This book contains essays on the three principal concepts: “the science of Sufism” with definitions and explanations. The Sufi concept of knowledge: the difference between knowledge imparted through revelations and that accessible to reason. The hierarchical levels of Divine Unity. Order now.

              Sufism II

                Sufism II: Fear and Hope, Contraction and Expansion, Gathering and Dispersion, Intoxication and Sobriety, Annihilation and Subsistence Dr Javad Nurbakhsh The book examines ten spiritual ‘stations’ and ‘states’ that are usually discussed in pairs. The spiritual traveler experiences these inward transformation as opposites, which propel and balance his/her movement on the path towards God. Order now

                Sufism III

                  Sufism III: Submission, Contentment, Absence, Presence, Intimacy, Awe, Tranquillity, Serenity, Fluctuation, Stability Javad Nurbakhsh This is a book about mystics who approaching inner certainty in God enjoy ‘‘tranquility’’ and ‘‘serenity’’ through ‘‘submission’’ to God’’s will. Gradually, the trails of travelling through ‘fluctuations’ or constant changes of state temper the wayfarer’’s heart until it reaches ‘‘stability’’ in perfection. Order now