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Sufi Poetry

Sufi poetry communicates through symbolic expressions the depth of sufi spirituality, the inner states of mystical love, and the Unity of Being.

Here we offer written and audio selections of Sufi poetry. To listen to the selections please click on the items below.

The Cupbearer

by Alireza Nurbakhsh

I Love You

by Mazhari

One Breath

by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh

Idol Breaker

by Alireza Nurbakhsh

Hoval Hai

by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh

The Illusion of "I" and "You"

by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh

I Cannot Go On Without You

by Rumi-Divani Shams


by Maghrebi

For the Love of the Friend

by Alireza Nurbakhsh

Posts Photos/Artwork: Nila Newsom/; MostafAmeraji/; Ashraful Arefin;; Hellorf ZCool/; Puripat/;; Jordan Hammond; Olga Salt/; H L Photo/