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Sufi Symbolism

    SUFI SYMBOLISM: The Nurbakhsh Encyclopedia of Sufi Terminology Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications Sufi Symbolism I: Parts of the Beloved’s Body; and Wine, Music, Audition and Convivial Gatherings by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh The Nurbakhsh Encyclopedia of Sufi Symbolism consists of 16 volumes. The first multi-volume compilation of spiritual terms in any Western language. This volume examines the meanings of the metaphors that symbolize the limbs and traits of the Beloved’’s body, along with the vocabulary connected with festive and convivial gatherings.

    Themes in Sufism 2

      Themes in Sufism – page 2 Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications Sufism I: Meaning, Knowledge and Unity by Dr Javad Nurbakhsh This book contains essays on the three principal concepts: “the science of Sufism” with definitions and explanations. The Sufi concept of knowledge: the difference between knowledge imparted through revelations and that accessible to reason. The hierarchical levels of Divine Unity.

      Themes in Sufism

        Themes in Sufism Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications The Psychology of Sufism by Dr Javad Nurbakhsh This book is a guide to help the reader understand the nature of man and the obstacles to becoming a true human being. The book also discusses the realms of the Heart, the Spirit, the Inner Consciousness and the Innermost Consciousness.

        Sufi Essentials

          Sufi Essentials Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications The Path: Sufi Practices by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh To walk the pages of Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh’s book The Path: Sufi Practices is to be taken away from everything but the truth. In a word, this is the sufi way. Arguably, the most comprehensive account available of Sufism in the contemporary world, The Path’s subject, aim and goal is the very transmutation of the heart itself. Never less than clear and practical, each essay takes us through the stages required of the initiated disciple in order to purify the ego, become free from psychological conflicts and… Read More »Sufi Essentials

          The Latest —SUFI Winter 2019

            EDITORS’ NOTE – Issue 96 Internal.  External.  Eternal.  These aspects of a seeker’s self are always in conversation. The writers in this issue eavesdrop on this conversation, and relay what they’ve heard with varying approaches at turns lyrical or layered in complexity, direct or meandering. Some grounded in ancient history, and some firmly planted in a technological future. What do you know of yourself?  Perhaps it might be more interesting to ask who—and where—is the you that is knowing it? Surat Lozowick offers a vivid potrayal of Kanai Das Baul of Bengal, whose day job is “singing to the Divine… Read More »The Latest —SUFI Winter 2019

            What’s New – Abidjan

              What’s New The Centre de Santé Nimatoullah in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire a professionally-managed, volunteer-driven, community-based organization is focused on the empowerment of individuals and communities by improving health care status through education, partnership building, and both modern and traditional clinical interventions. As a group, we are committed to working toward the goals established by the World Health Organization’s millennial objectives for health improvement, which call for reducing child mortality rates, addressing learning disabilities, improving maternal health indicators, and combating HIV/AIDS and other preventable conditions. We are dedicated to providing health care services regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, gender,… Read More »What’s New – Abidjan

              Idol Breaker

                By Alireza Nurbakhsh I have come to cherish the love for Youlike a precious pearl in my heart and soul,And to lay down my head at Your thresholdand to make fruitful the love for You. I will avert my eyes from my self and turn my gaze to You.I am lost in the cupbearer’s beauty.How can I behold any but You? I have come to defeat and abolish both faith and unbelief,and empty my head of any thought of other than You. I have come to break idols and to break into songs of love,To prostrate myself before you, and… Read More »Idol Breaker

                One Breath

                  by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh                     From pre-eternity to post-eternityis but a single breath,A breath free of all these melodieshigh and low. Treasure this breath,this moment you now enjoy,Spending it in happiness: there isno time for sorrow. Once this moment has passed,it is gone forever.Your time is lessthan the very least you can imagine. If you spend this moment laughing,the world will be all laughter.But if you fall into depression,the world will be all sorrow. Don’t give your heart to this unstable,transitory worldWith all its ups and downs,its twists and turns. Lighten… Read More »One Breath