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Majlis Online Streaming

The links to the streaming session will be showing  5 minutes before indicated time below table. It begins with 30 minutes of meditating music, a brief discourse on Sufism and followed by the majlis music.

  • If you access directly from your devoce please click on the "Listen Now" button which will be showing on the table 5 minutes before start time.
  • If you access from VLC Player, follow below instruction.

How to use VLC Player:

  1. Download and install VLC for Android from Google Play, VLC for Mobile from App store or VLC Media Player for your computer
  2. Open the app and go to > Stream and add the streaming server address based on your preferences from the table below
  3. You can then listen to the live stream start time of the session


Please Note: "Listen now" Link will be showing at below table under "Live Streaming Status" Column 10  minutes prior to start of the session. If you are listening from your device and not using VLC Player, just click on the "Listen Now" image once showing up.

Following Sessions will be streaming on Sunday and Thursday Nights:

SessionLive Streaming StatusVLC Player LinkDiscourse in
1Sydney, Australia @ 7:00 PM / Tokyo Japan @ 6:00 PM and English
2Tehran @ 6:00 PM / Baku, Dubai, Tblisi @ 6:30 PM / Bangkok Thailand @ 9:30PM and English
3Manama @ 6:30 PM and English
4Moscow, Saint. Petersburg, Kiev, Sofia, Minsk @ 7:30 PM and Russian
5Scandinavia (Sweden / Norway / Denmark) @ 5:00 PM and English
6London, Manchester @ 6:30 PM and English
7Madrid, Cordoba @ 6:30 PM and Spanish
8Berlin Germany, Vienna Austria @ 6:30 PM, English and German
9Koln Germany @ 6:30 PM, English and German
10Netherlands @ 7:30 PM and Dutch
11Paris, Lyon France , Switzerland @ 7:30 PM / Benin @ 6:30, Bangui, Central African Republic @ 6:30 PM and French
12Ivory Coast, Burkina Fasso @ 6:30PM and French
13Washington DC, Toronto, New York, Boston, Detroit @ 7:00 PM and English
14Montreal, Canada @ 7:00 PM and French
15Santa Fe, Denver @ 7 PM
Houston @ 8 PM and English
16San Miguel, Costa Rica @ 6:00 PM and Spanish
17Seattle, Santa Cruz, Los Angles, San Diego, Vancouver @ 7:00 PM and English
18Chicago@ 7:00 PM and English
19San Francisco 8:00 PM and English

Alternatively we kept the embedded players here which will automatically showing 10 minutes before the sessions based on the streaming time listed above. Please note that the following players will work only with Safari and Firefox Browsers: