Publications  |  Readings in Sufism

Traditions of the Prophet I

For Traditions of the Prophet, a two-volume series, Dr. Nurbakhsh has gathered from the garden of prophetic traditions those sayings that are of particular importance for Sufis. Included along with the original Persian and Arabic text are excerpts from the great sufi poets concerning these traditions.

Excerpt from Traditions of the Prophet I

Traditions Concerning the Spiritual Path (Tariqat)

52. "DIE before you are made to die." Sana'i writes:

If you seek life, O friend,
then die before you die:
For in such a death,
Idris attained Paradise before us.

53. "WHOEVER is for God, God is for him." Rumi writes:

When out of yearning, you are "for God,"
then God will be for you
For "God is for him."

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